Tyler Engman

Tyler Engman
puts humans first is a nice guy hikes Rainier loves design enjoys traveling is a cool dad fancies ice cream seeks knowledge likes cats started whittling

It all started at 16, when a friend "acquired" and kindly introduced me to Photoshop. Since then, I've turned a fascination into a varied and fulfilling career encompassing design for digital, print, and video.

Currently, I live in Seattle and work as a Lead Experience Designer for BCG Digital Ventures. I am at my best partnering with product managers and customers to define digital experiences and collaborating with engineers to make them come alive. I have both led product design teams and acted as an individual contributor to build large-scale responsive web and iOS products for top brands in healthcare, entertainment, horticulture, insurance, e-commerce, and non-profit.

I've helped solve the toughest design challenges by employing human-centered design principles, visual communication best practices and an understanding of business and customer objectives.

👉 Please, get in touch.